Grant Application Process

Empowering The Community

A vital key to our Lake area becoming a better place to live is the basic need for Community Involvement. After all, the foundation of the Toledo Bend Lake Association is to involve the community in the association. Without our members, we could not exist. We encourage all of our members to be involved in their community, and, as a successful organization, we feel compelled to assist with manpower or financial aid to other worthwhile Lake area organizations that are in need.
Toledo Bend Lake Association has, through an application process, contributed funds to several worthwhile projects. We accept grant applications continuously and award grants quarterly--in September, December, March, and June. The process involves review of the applications by the Board of Directors followed by approval by the general membership.
To apply for a TBLA grant, download the TBLA Grant Application Form and save to your desktop.

About Img

How to Apply

  • Open Word, browse your desk top for the file name, using All Files in that search, as shown below.
  • Select the downloaded file, enable editing if shown at the top of the page, complete the Application and print.
  • It is recommended that you save your completed application to your computer for future reference.

You can submit the application to any TBLA Board member or email it to